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for pricing, availability, sizes of lamps, or any other questions you may have. thanks, and enjoy!
watch a stop action video of the color stack neon lamp being assembled:
it's always interesting to see where work leads. more than one great artist has stated that work begets work, that by continually addressing problems and pursuing solutions in the studio, by this ongoing conversation with materials and ideas, we are led to places that otherwise we may have never considered. such is the case with this most recent and evolving body of work, which has presented itself as a synthesis of two very independent antecedents, the flat stacks and the open series. although these series arose and continued in parallel for some time, existing as independent entities, their unique characteristics have been fused into a new lineage and a new vernacular. the diaphanous nature of the open series and the density of the flat stacks have found a way to coexist, merging from one state to the other. the horizontal stacks have turned vertical, forming a dense central core, which in turn yields its mass by stretching outward and away from this cluster. thus it transitions from solid to open, and in a way, so have i.
this hanging lamp consists of the perpendicular intersection of two planes, whose handwritten numbers signify their respective color temperatures in kelvin. one is a warm white, the other a cool white. when their light mixes, it creates a full bodied white light that is both bright and balanced. RADIAL STACK (untitled) the first of this new series to explore the ideas enumerated above, this lamp consists of 6 tubes arranged into a cylinder, whose lower segment expands outward into a sort of squished sphere, an ovoid of sorts. the axis point at which the lines (or in this case the neon tubes) would have intersected has been rendered in yellow, to note this trait. 38" x 24" x 24" SPLIT STACK this neon chandelier lamp focuses on the conflicting nature of the three dimensional cylinder and its transition into a two dimensional plane. the further its arms extend outward from the center, the more accentuated this dichotomy becomes. as to the name, it is a twofold reference to its split personality vacillating between flatness and three dimensionality, as well as relating to its form, which traces the separation of a single line into two, and then the subsequent cleaving of those branches. 46" x 42" x 42"
RADIAL COLOR STACK this lamp is a radial hanging version of the flat stack color stack.
FLAT STACKED SERIES both hanging and free standing, these neon lamps are made by stacking individual hand bent neon components atop each other. in building a structure in this manner, through individual layers and cross sections, i am able to explore and produce illuminated forms, both simple and complex. GRADIENT HALF STACK (white) this lamp presents a wide range of white light, transitioning from a very warm candlelight tone (1900 degrees kelvin) to the cool end of the spectrum (8300 degrees kelvin). 10.5" x 8.5" x 8.5" SCRAP STACK as its name implies, this stacked lamp was built using the "cut-offs" or "scraps" generated from the production of other works. these small pieces, varied in color, were redesigned to form a lamp with a unity and coherent profile. however, this regular form contains within its shape an orgy of color relationships stretching both laterally and vertically. each side is a display of myriad combinations of color, which when taken as a whole, produce a wonderfully warm glow.this lamp builds upon the ideas inherent in the color stack, all the while adding a greater degree of complexity to the interaction of color layers. 22" x 8" x 8"
COLOR STACK 22" x 8" x 8"
COLOR STACK (rounded corners) 13" x 7" x 7" BULGE LAMP 20" x 16" x 16"
PULL IN LAMP 16" x 10" x 10" CRUMPLE STACK 13"h x 12"w x 11"d
SIX COLUMN MERGE 12" x 10" x 10"
OVAL CRUSH 20" x 15" x 15"
LAMP SHADE LAMP although i have retained the traditional contours of a lamp shade, i have reversed its function. whereas previously its illumination would have been dependent upon an interior light source, its present form sheds that need. light is dispersed not from its interior, but from its exterior. the contours of the lamp shade are responsible for producing light, rather than concealing it. there is longer a need for an interior bulb. the bulb is the shape. the shape is the light. 11" x 22" x 22"
OPEN SERIES these table lamps, and hanging lamps, are complimentary to the above stacked series- whereas they are solid and built upon the idea of cross-sections, these are constructed with only their contours delineated, leaving an open interior.
TWELVE PIECE 18"h x 37"w x 34"d
SLANT LAMP the largest and most recent of the "open series," the asymmetrical character of this lamp foments a certain unease and tension. viewed from various angles, from some it appears ready to topple, while from others its stability is not in question. it is in a perpetual state of both balance and imbalance, and although it is at odds with itself, it remains merrily content to reconcile this dichotomy. approximate size: 72" x 18" x 24"
OBLONG 14" x 18" x 18"
CUBE (yellow) 12" x 12" x 12"
CUBE (white) 8" x 8" x 8"
NYC SERIES these wall mounted lamps are a reflection of my encounters with the ubiquitous and otherwise overlooked character of new york city.
BASTILLE DAY, COURT STREET, 7.15.07 28" x 28"
SALVAGED SERIES these wall mounted lamps are fashioned from discarded neon signs, reclaimed and reconfigured.
PRIMARY SERIES these free standing floor and table lamps explore the primary colors of additive color theory (red, blue, and green). when all three primaries combine, it forms a white light, but when only two primaries interract with each other, they form the secondary colors of yellow (red + green), magenta (red+blue), and cyan (blue + green).
RG, RB, BG 52" x 12" x 12"
BULGE the first of this series, this wall lamp is distorted to appear three dimensional, while in reality it rests flat on the wall.
VARIOUS EARLY WORKS: this floor lamp was constructed from four plastic bar style lamp shades that i stacked atop each other, and placed different colored neon tubes inside the interior column to illuminate it.
also an early project, this table lamp is a single fluorescent tube held vertical inside a steel outer frame with stacked pieces of cut plate glass lining the inside.
this floor lamp was a gift for my dad. the lamp is a brake light from a 1984 yamaha maxim x motorcycle, grafted onto the base of an old torcherie lamp. it is wired with a 12 volt dc transformer to match the original motorcycle voltage.
although it's not yet fully completed, the top of this floor lamp will be fully covered in pegs. it consists of a lite brite sitting inside a white garbage can. the colorful top contrasts nicely with the glow of the white plastic can.
a set of three of hanging lamps, they are made from LED' s enclosed in a crumpled sheet of paper.
a blue table lamp, this one was made by freezing a set of LED's in a crushed milk carton filled with water. it has since melted...
this lamp was made by inserting a blue LED inside a crushed half and half carton. it gave off a nice even glow from within.
formed by freezing a yellow LED in the bottom of a plastic coke bottle filled with milk, this lamp gave off an eerie glow. it is great for parties if you live in the artic, or a smirnoff ice commerical. otherwise, it's not so pretty when the milk thaws...
a test piece, rather than using a transformer power supply to run an LED, i set up these two on a 9v power supply. they make great night lights or to look in tight spaces where you need a flexible way to aim and manipulate the position of the light.
to view my other design work, please visit however, please be patient, i am having some difficulty with the database on the website, and some pages are having trouble loading properly and show up as being blank. hopefully this will be fixed soon- check back if it's still under construction.